So help me, I am an immigration attorney. I've practiced on the East Coast, where illegal immigration and immigration fraud are generally viewed as victimless crime. I've practiced on the border where it's so easy to beat the system that nobody bothers trying to work within it. The only perspective I come from is I want good government -- responsive bureacracrats, well-versed judges, and enforcers with a sense of proportion.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Don't Count Bill Richardson Out

I strongly support this border governor. He knows his stuff. Check out these quotes on immigration. If you like what you see, then check out his website.

1 comment:

Astrodon Johnstoni said...

All right. Upon further reflection, you can go ahead and count him out. As an Arizona resident, I will never get a chance to vote for him. Curse his handlers for not tying his hands behind his back when he spoke. If the man could have given a good stump speech, he might well have gotten somewhere.