So help me, I am an immigration attorney. I've practiced on the East Coast, where illegal immigration and immigration fraud are generally viewed as victimless crime. I've practiced on the border where it's so easy to beat the system that nobody bothers trying to work within it. The only perspective I come from is I want good government -- responsive bureacracrats, well-versed judges, and enforcers with a sense of proportion.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Mohamad Tax Update

A tremendous victory! Got a motion to dismiss from the other side with these cryptic words, "After review of the Respondent's immigration file, the Department [of Homeland Security] believes the circumstances of the case have changed after the Notice to Appear was issued to such an extent that continuation is no longer in the best interest of the government." Phrasing they learn at Homeland Security newspeak academy.

Those squirelly squirrelly squirrels. Translation -- "Upon realizing we were being played by somebody at the USCIS, we decided to cut our losses. The guy's going to be so ecstatic about his 'win,' let's go ahead and get one last dig in, just to put him in his place."

This still doesn't get Mohamad his citizenship, mind you. But we're halfway there.

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